Jan 21, 2018
As high school administrators and teachers you need to be strategic in your approach to helping students prepare for high stakes assessments. You need to look beyond item analysis for formative assessments. Lean six sigma toolkit offers some reliable and cost effective analysis tools to identify areas of weakness, potential for growth and continuous improvement models. Over the last few decades it has been used in manufacturing, hardware and software development, and customer service environments to improve product and service quality by identifying and helping to reduce defects.
Online platforms that leverage lean six sigma are better at informing teachers the content areas that offer the most opportunity for improvement. Using this approach you can customize your instruction time. Research has shown that scheduling 40 to 50 minutes of instruction and practice over 8 to 10 weeks helps students on high stakes assessments when most of this time is spent on addressing specific student needs. Now is the time to embrace the toolkit to identify and remediate deficiencies - if you are still not convinced, the top three reasons are listed below.